Monday, January 4, 2010

One More Christmas Card Post, If You Can Stand It: Christmas Card 2006

Last month when I was posting the various Christmas cards I've made over the years, I didn't think I made one for 2006, but as I was looking through some files tonight I found out I did. Hopefully you can stomach one last Christmas post.

This one is kind of meh compared to some of the more recent and elaborate cards I've made, but the completest in me compels me to include it here.

If you look closely, you'll see me standing there between Santa's giant boots. This Santa statue is located a few miles north of my home town, in a gas station parking lot. You know, the kind of giant roadside object/attraction that used to dot interstates nationwide back in the 1950s.

Sadly, the gas station is now abandoned, and Santa has fallen into disrepair. He's in dire need of a new coat of paint, stat. He's probably been there for at least 60 years, and has become a local landmark. It would be a shame to see him disappear. Hopefully someone will come along and fix him up soon before it's too late.

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