Sunday, March 28, 2010

HorrorHound Weekend 2010

My friend KW Monster and I went to the semi-annual HorrorHound horror convention in Indianapolis this weekend. It's a place for horror fans to buy videos, books, masks, toys and other horror-related items, as well as meet famous horror movie stars.

They've been having this show for 3 or 4 years now, and it grows a little bigger each year. It's always a fun time, but this year the fun was marred somewhat by the enormous crowds. They've been having the show in the same hotel since the beginning, and it's painfully obvious that it can no longer comfortably contain the show. The crowds this year were absolutely brutal. The hotel parking lot was filled to the brim, so we had to park about a good half mile away and hoof it to the hotel. At times the crowd in the main showroom was packed shoulder to shoulder, making it difficult to look at anything of interest. It was so bad that they started barring showroom entry until someone inside left. Hundreds of people were left cooling their heels in the lobby waiting for someone to leave so they could be let in. Luckily I didn't have to visit the restroom while I was there, because if I'd left the showroom I wouldn't have got back in. Crazy. I don't think they'll have any choice but to hold it at a larger venue next time.

Anyhow, we met and talked with quite a few horror movie celebs, including Joe Bob Briggs (famous drive in movie critic and TV personality), Robert Z'Dar (star of many b-movies) and Catherine Mary Stewart (star of Night of the Comet, The Last Starfighter and many other 80s movies). I have to admit I had a crush on Catherine back in the day, with her sultry eyes and giant 80s hair. She still looks pretty much the same too!

I've met quite a few celebs at this horror show over the past few years, and 99% of them have been extremely nice and accommodating. There's just one problem with meeting these celebrities-- while they're well known in the world of horror cinema, the majority of the population is clueless as to their identity. When I go back to work on Monday and gush to my co-workers that I met Sid Haig, Ken Foree or Michael Berryman, they'll all look at me like the RCA dog.

George Romero, Clive Barker and Elvira were also in attendance. We caught glimpses of them, but their respective lines were each several blocks long, so we didn't get to chat with them. I have a feeling the huge crowd this year may have been due to the presence of Elvira. I wouldn't be surprised if there are still a few people in line.

By the way, Elvira looked pretty much the same as she has for the last 30 years. Behold the power of makeup and the mighty bustier!

Death was also in attendance at the show. This was an awesome costume that was a good 10 feet tall, complete with an animated jaw, light up eyes, and deep, booming voice.

Death was pretty friendly too, and didn't mind posing for photos. Now when he comes for me someday, I can say, "Hey Death, remember me from that horror show?"

You don't see many photo ops like this every day. Here's Death posing with a zombie surgeon and a dead mother and her baby. This couple definitely had the most original costumes of the show. Hilariously as we walked to the car we saw them walking down the street back to their motel! That had to turn a few heads in the lobby.

Conventions can be exhausting, so be sure to take a few moments to rest your feet from time to time.

One Mr. Frederick Krueger and date.

The Miner from My Bloody Valentine (the 2009 version).

A Gammorean Guard somehow wandered into the horror convention by mistake. A side note: this costume could have used a little Fabreeze. I guess it's understandable; it's probably tough to dry clean a Gammorean Guard costume.

Meg Mucklebones from the movie Legend. For some reason, Meg was played by Robert Picardo, the holographic doctor from Star Trek: Voyager. What's that? I'm a colossal geek for knowing that without googling it? Why, thank you!

There was also a room full of mask makers and sculptors displaying their work. Some of them were amazingly lifelike and detailed, and would no doubt be displayed in a museum if not for the subject matter.

My favorites were a trio of full sized statues. Here's a Frankensteinian creature, complete with flashing L.E.D. brain. I couldn't believe all the detail. Realistic eyes, translucent skin, eyelashes, and those teeth! He even has individual whiskers, each one punched into this skin by hand!

Here's a zombie carrying a voodoo priestess on his back. Again, the attention to detail was just amazing. I can only imagine the amount of hours, effort and material that goes into creating something like this.

This was my favorite of the life-sized sculptures. A rich, psychotic dowager out for a night on the town, armed with her trusty razorblade. Her eyes and teeth looked absolutely real. Her skin was translucent and very realistic. Someone should make a movie starring this character. I'd pay to see it.

That's all the photos I have. It was a fun time, and hopefully they'll hold it in a larger venue next time.


  1. The statues would have me hiding in a corner, they are so realistic!! Will this experience influence your artwork this week?

  2. Yes, those statues were amazing. You could see light shining through thinner areas like ears, just the way it does with real skin. I wonder if they were made of wax?

    That show can be a little unnerving when you're there and you see people dressed as Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers walking toward you. You know it's just a guy in a mask, but for just a split second you think, "Holy crap, there's Freddy! I gotta get out of here!"

  3. hello nightmareman here..i was there at the march 2010 convention..i was the freddy in the trench coat..look for on yoututbe and facebook..see you in nov

  4. The psychotic dowager is amazing. If one were to replace the razor with a cigarette holder and change her hair to black and white, there'd be a lot of Dalmatian pups messing the floor!

  5. The guy who did those ultra realistic statues is Thomas Kuebler.

    He's got a website with more of them at


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