Thursday, October 6, 2011

DVD Doppelgangers: .45 vs. La Femme Nikita

It's time for DVD Doppelgangers, where I call out art directors who deliberately copy DVD covers of classic and popular movies, hoping to fool the public into buying their knock-off version.

Tonight we have the 2006 movie .45 vs. the 1990 movie La Femme Nikita.

.45 stars Milla Jovovich in something beside a Resident Evil movie for a change, and is the story of "how obsession, addiction and abuse leads a young woman (Jovovich) to execute an elaborate plan of revenge"

La Femme Nikita is a highly influential French film that's spawned an Amercian remake (Point Of No Return) as well as 2, count 'em TWO different TV series (La Femme Nikta and Nikita). It's the story of "convicted felon Nikita, who instead of going to jail, is given a new identity and trained as a top secret spy/assassin."

As soon as I saw the .45 cover in the video store I immediately thought of Nikita. Both feature slender, leggy women in form-fitting short skirts and high heels, slumped against a wall and holding revolvers. They even have the same hairstyles and full pouty lips!

I will give credit where it's due though: the .45 designer, in a bolt of creativity from the blue, reversed the image of his heroin-chic female assassin. So now it can't be called a ripoff (that's a joke, son).

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