Tuesday, August 7, 2012

More Famous Business Cards

As you no doubt know, one of my many fascinating hobbies is collecting old business cards. Here are just a few from the collection:

Here we have a typical no-frills (also known as "cheap") business card from the 1960s. As you can see, the phone number is missing; presumably Mooney's secretary forgot to add it when ordering the cards. I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been to have such a scatterbrained and inefficient personal assistant.

It appears that Mooney was too frugal to have the cards reprinted and either he or the secretary simply scribbled the phone number in by hand. Classy.

A rare vertical business card; very unusual for its time. The overly ornate nature of the design is unusual as well, evoking an earlier period of time.

Strangely enough even though it looks like the card is a hundred years old, it's actually roughly the same age as the others shown here. This "Munster," whoever he was, must have been a real beast and was extremely hard on his cards.

Another typical card from the late 1950s - early 1960s. Cards of this era were generally bland and conforming, not wanting to rock the boat or stand out from the crowd.

I can only imagine how many times the poor sap who owned this card had to explain to people, possibly even his own family, exactly what it was he did for a living.


  1. "...not wanting to rock the boar..."

    now that's an image!

  2. Hey, I never claimed I could spell! Fixed!

  3. Like the cards...I wish to do something like this for Metal business cards as i need it.

  4. Useful information like this one must be kept and maintained so I will put this one on my bookmark list! Thanks for this wonderful post and hoping to post more of this!

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