Sunday, December 1, 2013

Interior Desecrator

Here's something you've likely never seen before and will no doubt never see again. Nope, your eyes aren't deceiving you. That's genuine blue wall paneling.

This spectacular paneling lines the bathroom in my parents' house. I'd forgotten all about it until I went to their house for Thanksgiving dinner last week and saw it again.

Look at it. Just look at it! Paneling. And somehow it's blue! Where do you even go to buy such a thing? Where does it come from? Are there blue trees out there somewhere? Why is it even an option?

I never gave much thought to the blue paneling when I lived in their house. I grew up with it and it never seemed out of the ordinary. It wasn't until I moved out and came back to visit that I realized it's not something most people have in their homes. Or have ever seen before. Or would ever consider.

But as odd as it is, I have to say the blue paneling's kind of grown on me (not unlike a fungus). It's definitely unusual and something to contemplate as you're sitting in their bathroom. I might even consider putting it in my own bathroom some day, if it were still available.


  1. I had this exact same color and style paneling on the bedroom walls of my old house. It made the rim feel very relaxing and cozy. I'm considering putting up something similar in the bedroom of the house I live in now.

  2. I had this exact same color and style paneling on the bedroom walls of my old house. It made the rim feel very relaxing and cozy. I'm considering putting up something similar in the bedroom of the house I live in now.


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