Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tut Tut!

This week the art world was aghast when the mask of King Tutankhamun, the world's most priceless archeological treasure, was irreparably damaged after a botched repair attempt.

According to officials at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, the mask's pointed, jewel-encrusted beard recently snapped off during an attempt to clean it last October. Other reports say the mask was removed because it was loose.

However it happened, the museum, desperate to get the popular attraction back on display, chose not to call in a professional restoration team and attempted to repair it themselves. 

Unfortunately they did this by slathering the end of the beard with epoxy and accidentally smearing it all over the gold face of the mask. They then tried to scrape the excess epoxy off with a spatula, permanently scratching the 3,300 year old face of the mask.

The museum is currently dimming the lighting around the display to obscure the damage. Ah, that's much better! No one will ever notice if you turn out the lights!

The museum refused to reveal the identity of the person responsible for the damage, but according to sources, this isn't the first time he's damaged a priceless museum artifact. 

Here he is in 1997, when he attempted to clean and restore James McNeil Whistler's Arrangement In Grey And Black No. 1, better known as Whistler's Mother.

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