Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Happy 7th… Annual TalkLike… William Shatner… DAY!

Happy Seventh Annual Talk Like William Shatner Day! The day citizens all over the Federation speak… haltingly while placing… pauses and emPHAsis… in un…usual places! 

Coincidentally today (March 22nd) is also William Shatner's birthday. He's 85 years young.

Honestly I'm not quite sure how the whole "excessive pausing" thing got started. If you go back and watch the original Star Trek series, he rarely if ever injects any pauses into his dialogue. 

I think what's happening is that the public hears comedians like Kevin Pollak do impressions of Shatner that are filled with exaggerated, over the top pauses. After a while the impression becomes the real thing in the public's mind. A copy of a copy, if you will.

Before I go, let me repost one of my all time favorite Shatner WTF images for your viewing enjoyment.

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