Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Flagged Post

DATELINE: Cleveland, Ohio–– In response to overwhelming consumer demand, this week the American Association Of Decorative Hardware And Fixtures announced it's making a fundamental design change in all flagpoles. Beginning immediately, all poles manufactured in America will be designed to display flags at half mast only.

Said Sid Silverbaum, President of the Association, "We got a lot of feedback from various groundskeepers, patriots and elderly veterans from around the country, who are exhausted from constantly having to trudge out to their poles and lower their flags to half mast every two to three days. Frankly it just doesn't make sense to make poles that display flags all the way at the top anymore."

According to Silverbaum, the new Half-Master® brand poles will be in stores by the end of June, just in time for the latest mass shooting or Independence Day, whichever comes first.

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