Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Christmas Creep 2016

I took Max for a walk tonight (after dark, of course thanks, Daylight Savings Time) and saw the first Xmas tree of the season in the window of a neighborhood home. Jesus Snowboarding Christ! It's Election Day, for frak's sake!

Putting up your Xmas tree on November 8th  just seems way, way, WAY too unacceptably, ridiculously early to me. And this is just the first day I happened to spot it. It's entirely possible that it's been up since November 1st or even earilier!

Isn't there some rule about not wearing white after Labor Day? I think there needs to be a similar rule
 nay, a full blown law that says no Xmas trees or decorations anywhere near Election Day

And November 8th isn't even close to a record. In 2014 I saw a tree up on the 4th! For the sake of these peoples' homeowner's policies I hope they're artificial trees! If they're real trees then by the time Xmas rolls around they'll burst into flames if they're exposed to even a camera flash!

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