Thursday, March 30, 2017

Overheard At Work: Second Hand Smoke

It's been a long time since we've had an Overheard At Work episode here at Bob Canada's BlogWorld! Time to remedy that immediately!

I work in a typical office, surrounded by many other employees in cubicles. Although I'm grateful to have a job I like, sometimes the vocal din from the surrounding coworkers is a bit overwhelming. Not to mention odd. Thank the gods old and new for headphones and Pandora.

The following is a 100% true actual conversation I Overheard At Work:
Man (who's apparently in some sort of band): "I don't think second hand cigarette smoke is nearly as bad as they all say it is. Although it is rough on my amplifiers and guitars when I play in a club. And it's hard on my clothes too."
Well fortunately for this aspiring rock god, his lungs are MUCH hardier than an old amp or guitar!

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