Wednesday, April 5, 2023

It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times...

Hmm... A few years back I seem to recall some prominent public figure bragging that he "could kill someone in Times Square and get away with it." But I can't for the life of me remember just who that was. Ah well. Doesn't matter who said it, as no one's above the law in this country.

I actually meant to post this yesterday right after it happened, but the news gave me such a boner I couldn't get near my computer.

In all seriousness, I'm torn by this unprecedented event. On the one hand, it's a shameful day for our country, seeing a former president indicted, arrested and charged with a whopping THIRTY FOUR FELONY COUNTS. Even if he isn't convicted of any of them, it's still a black eye for our nation.

On the other hand, all I have to say is WOOHOOOO!!! It's about time that orange asshole got his comeuppance for even a fraction of his many, many crimes against America and its people. I was as giddy as a schoolgirl all day.

I'm not naive enough to think trump will ever spend even a microsecond in prison, but it was still satisfying to see him perp-walked into the courtroom and have to sit quietly before a judge while the charges against him were read. 

And once again, to everyone who told me I overreacted when this narcissistic, unrepentant thug was elected back in 2016, and that he "wasn't that bad," I offer you a hearty and sincere FUCK YOU!!!

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