Monday, November 20, 2023

The Shrink-O-Tron Strikes Again: Campbell's Homestyle Soups

Welp, it's back! As if our country's rampant inflation wasn't already bad enough, it seems the dreaded Shrink-O-Tron has struck the soup aisle.

I've been buying various types of Campbell's Homestyle soups for years and years now, and never had cause to complain about them. Until now.

On a recent trip to the grocery, I noticed the entire Homestyle line apparently got a makeover, as the labels had all been updated with a new design.

I also noticed the cans seemed physically different as well, but couldn't quite put my finger on what changed.

When I got home I compared the new cans to the old ones, and saw they've magically gone from 18.6 ounces down to a meager 16.1! Holy crap! It may not seem like it on paper, but that's a huge difference.

Of course as always happens when the Shrink-O-Tron strikes, the price didn't undergo a similar reduction.

When is this crap going to end? When will companies stop with this sneaky underhanded tactic and just raise the prices of their goddamned items? Why can't they just level with us and say, "Look guys, we're very sorry but due to increased production costs we're going to have to raise the price of the cereal by a few cents. We'll try not to do it again for a year or so." If they did that then consumers nationwide would understand and say, "Well that sounds just fine."

But no. Instead they keep the price the same but give us less product. And they surreptitiously put it in a smaller container, hoping we're all too busy worrying about The Marvels' shockingly low box office numbers to notice.

Screw you, Campbell's!

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