Monday, May 3, 2010

Will Scare For Food

Seems like everyone's been affected by the bad economy. Lately even monsters have felt the pinch. With families cutting back on things like cable TV and vacations, few can afford to employ a monster to hide under their child's bed these days.

It's sad to see a hard working monster reduced to panhandling.

I went through a bunch of options for his cardboard sign. I started out with "Will scare for food," but thought I could do better. I thought about, "Will hide under bed for food," or "Will hide in closet for food," but there wasn't room for either of those. I tried, "Will eat children for food," which has a certain absurd logic, but in the end went back to the original.

Drawn in Photoshop on the graphic tablet. Originally I was just going to have the usual scratchy, painterly background that I always do, but then I decided it would work better to place him in an actual environment.

Here's the original pen & ink sketch. Not bad, but I felt his legs were too long.

Here's the second digital sketch. I shortened his legs up, lengthened his tail and tried to make him look more depressed and despondent.

1 comment:

  1. HE'S FANTASTIC! I love the environment you placed him in, makes all the difference. YOU ROCK!


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