Monday, November 26, 2012

My Annual Xmas Gift Tag Repost

I've been posting this Xmas Gift Tag for about three years now, in response to the sluggish economy. I can't speak for anyone else, but my situation has definitely improved since last year (when I was facing the chilling specter of unemployment). I've noticed a lot more Xmas decorations in my neighborhood this year as well, and retailers reported very healthy sales on Black Friday. So maybe, just maybe, we're seeing some slight inklings that the economy has finally turned the corner. Nevertheless, I thought I'd post it one more time.

Tough times call for tough measures! If you can't afford to shell out cash for lavish Xmas gifts this year, buy your relatives something cheap and attach this handy Gift Tag to it. It'll help soften the blow.

For the past couple of years my finances forced me to severely cut back on Xmas gifts, almost to the point of nonexistence. Rather than causing me to feel sad or ashamed though, not having to trudge through stores spending money I didn't have on things people don't need was positively liberating. You have no idea how wonderful it is to not have to buy gifts and to actually sit back and enjoy the holidays. Even after my finances have improved I've decided to continue not buying gifts.

I know this won't be a popular opinion (among the public and definitely not among the retail sector), but I wish everyone would just say Screw The Gift Giving this year! By skipping the gift buying the holidays actually become an enjoyable time rather than a grim and dreadful chore. If you've ever entertained the notion, I urge you to do it! You have no idea how good it feels.

Santa was drawn in Photoshop on the graphic tablet, as well as the sketchy green oval. Everything was then imported into InDesign, where the text and the outer tag shape were added. Then I printed a bunch, cut them out with an X-Acto, punched a hole in the side and tied them to everyone's gifts.

Feel free to download it, print it and attach it to your own cheapskate gifts!

1 comment:

  1. This came in very handy last year. Thanks for the repost :)


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