Thursday, July 15, 2010

Battle-STARE Galactica Round Two!

The designer(s) of the Battlestar Galactica DVD covers did it again!

Last year I posted an entry on the Battlestar Galactica Season 4.0 DVD, which featured Lee Adama taking a long, hard look at Starbuck's rack. You can check out that post here, if you're so inclined.

I just now noticed the cover for Season 3. This time we've got Admiral Bill Adama glaring at the alluring Cylon Number Six, contemplating whether she's a friend or foe to the Colonial fleet. No problems there; so far so good.

But look there in the background. Just like on the Season 4.0 cover, we see Lee Adama again, but this time he's checking out his own father's ass! Hey, Lee! Your dad's eyes are up here!

Once again, I simply cannot fathom how something like this makes it to the store shelves. This cover wasn't created by one guy who designed it, printed it himself and delivered it around the country. There were dozens, maybe hundreds of people involved. In addition to the designer there was an art director, compliance officers, studio heads, talent reps, industry lawyers, press men, probably even the actors themselves. It's inconceivable that not a single one of those people failed to notice Lee's eyes, and what they're ogling so intently. And it's happened on TWO different covers!

This has to be deliberate. Someone at the ad agency was obviously disgruntled and somehow successfully slipped this past everyone as revenge. It's the only possible answer.

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