Sometimes when I'm drawing I have a plan in my mind, and other times I just sort of let the drawing happen. This was one of the latter. I drew the figure, but then had no idea what color scheme I would use or what kind of background to add. I just sort of made it up as I went along. At the last minute I decided that the figure looked a little too static, so I tilted him to make it look more like he was floating, which I think helped. I love that you can play around with color and composition like that when you draw digitally.
I think the colors may be a little too dark. I need to stare at it some more.
This will probably be my last illustration of 2009. As near as I can tell, the first one of the year was Count Gothula (I didn't have a blog in January; that's why the Count shows up in May). So I went from vampires to zombies. That seems about right. It was that kind of year.
Drawn in Photoshop on the graphic tablet.

super solid!