Any decade that gave us 9-11, George W. Bush (twice), Transformers 2, ringtones, the war in Iraq, Kim Jong Il, the Prequels, hanging chads, hurricane Katrina, reality TV, Enron, auto tune, the death of journalism and the rise of gossip as news, Freedom Fries, Guantanamo, Sarah Palin, texting while driving, SARS, $5 a gallon gas, rampant unemployment, the Virginia Tech shootings, Paris Hilton and the economic meltdown is rotten in my book.
Heck, it's 2009 and we still haven't figured out what to even call this ferkakdeh decade. The 2000s? The Aughts? Who knows?
So see you in Hell, 2000s. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Let's all hope the 2010s will be better for us and the world. They sure can't be any worse. Happy New Year, everyone.
Note to the nitpickers in the audience: I am aware that the decade didn't actually begin until 2001 and won't be over until the end of 2010. I just want to get it over with as soon as possible.