This is a gun shop down the street from my dentist's office. I'm honestly curious to know what happened here. As near as I can figure it, there are 5 possiblilites:
1. The owner is trying to avoid a lawsuit from Clint Eastwood and Warner Bros.
2. The sign company charged by the letter, and one more was apparently a deal breaker.
3. It's a typo, and the owner signed off on it without proofreading.
4. The owner genuinely believes that "dirty" is spelled this way.
5. "l33t-speak" has already infiltrated every facet of society (I'm a bit concerned that my spell check didn't flag "l33t").
I will give them props for actually using an apostrophe correctly, something which has seemingly become a lost art in our society.
maybe they left out the period, and it's supposed to say "Dr. Ty Harry's"
ReplyDeleteon how to use it