Kyle had been to a horror con once before, but fortunately this time he didn't get sick and vomit in my car.

His son was there though, and he's spearheading an effort to have Sammy inducted into the Indiana State Museum!

Kyle got an autographed photo, book and his picture taken with Rupert.
Yes, Kyle's wearing a Dr. McCoy t-shirt.

There were a lot of horror celebrities in attendance, including the casts of Return of the Living Dead (minus James Karen though, darn it), Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead, the Lost Boys, and Halloween. Ernie Hudson, the 4th Ghostbuster, was there as well. And Paris Themmen, who you know better as Mike Teevee from the original Willy Wonka movie.
Aaron was most impressed by a group of guys dressed as Ghostbusters, complete with proton packs and ghost traps. He wanted to know where one went to buy a proton pack. I tried to explain that you don't buy them anywhere, you have to make one yourself, but I don't think he believed me.
I was happy to find a rare and out of print art book that I'd been looking for forever, and for a reasonable price. We sat down to rest for a while, then headed for the car. As I got to the car I realized I'd left the sack with my book in it back in the convention. I ran back inside, and amazingly the sack was still leaning against the wall where I'd stupidly left it. I guess horror fans are an honest lot. Soon I'll be forgetting to wear pants when I got out.

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