At the beginning of the episode, Astra staggers out of bed and sees Constantine prepping a spell. When she tells him she needs his help, he claims he's too busy, saying, "I got a bloke in an alien costume with another alien inside him, and I gotta prep my gut for a purging spell."
That's a reference to Meat: The Legends, in which the gang suspected the Big Bang Burger mascot was secretly an alien in disguise.
I should note though that in the actual episode, Constantine doesn't pop back to the manor to prep any spells. In fact he didn't know he'd be needing one! When he runs into the suspected alien he simply casts the Divination Of Hor spell, which "extracts all unwanted influences." Whoops!
A bit later Astra finds there's no wifi in the manor right as Constantine & Zari 2.0 return. Note that they're both still wearing their outfits from Meat: The Legends, as they've just come from their victory in that episode.
Sometime later the kitchen faucet breaks while Astra's washing dishes. Just then Constantine shows up looking for his cigarettes, wearing his Criss Angel cosplay that he sported in The Ex-Factor.
A few days after that, the now-homeless Legends invade the manor right after the events of Bay Of Squids.
As I said, it's kind of cool to see how this episode takes place at the same time as these other three, which neatly ties together the whole season so far.
• Legends Of Tomorrow features an interesting and very odd version of Hell. Last season we saw that the place resembles a perpetually dark version of downtown Detroit, and the damned souls living there actually work at various jobs! Jaysis! I can't think of a worse form of eternal punishment! I'd rather burn in a lake of fire forever!
Anyway, this week we find out that Hell apparently has its own wifi network as well, called Demon Data! Weird!
So lemme get this straight... If there's really a Hell and I end up there after I die, I'll need to find a job, someplace to live and buy a smart phone with an netherworldly data plan. Got it.
• When Astra tries to find a job, her potential employer runs a background check and says it shows she's only fifteen. She replies, "Okay, yeah, that's because I spent my adolescence in another dimension where time works differently, so..."
Amazingly, that checks out. According to the Official Arrowverse Wiki, Astra was born circa 2005— which would make about fifteen.
• This is some heavy duty nitpicking, but whatever. If Astra was born about fifteen years ago but looks like she's in her twenties, then time must move FASTER in Hell. That doesn't seem right. The point of Hell is to torture souls, correct? So why make their time there go faster? Wouldn't it make more sense if time moved super slowwwwwwly, to drag out every miserable second there?
Told you it was heavy duty!
• After having no luck finding a job, Astra calls up a former associate in the netherworld and says, "You try getting a job when your last employers were the Triumvirate of Hell. Just give me my power back, or I will have your blood drained to fill my swimming pool." Several things here:
First of all, she's calling on Constantine's landline phone, so apparently it's possible to direct dial numbers in Hell! Interesting.
Secondly, when I heard her demands my first thought was "what power?" As near as I remember she was just a normal woman who ran a nightclub in Hell. I don't recall her ever having any sort of powers.
I checked the trusty (and indispensable!) Official Arrowverse Wiki once again, and according to it, while in Hell Astra had general magical powers, she could resurrect historical figures with her soul coins and could teleport others throughout the underworld with a snap of her fingers.
So I guess she DID have powers after all. I stand corrected!
Third, it appears that once a person leaves Hell, they lose any powers they might have had there.
Lastly, who the, er, hell is she talking to here? Who has the ability to restore her powers while she's on Earth? Is she calling Satan himself?
• Disney Reference #1: The painting of Crowley that can speak and offer advice to Astra is reminiscent of the Magic Mirror in Snow White. Yeah, yeah, paintings & mirrors aren't anything alike, but they both feature talking faces in a frame.
• Back in Ground Control To Sarah Lance, Astra mentioned Crowley and his Book Of The Law as a possible source they could use to locate Canary. Based on how much the episode emphasized Crowley and his book, I predicted he'd show up in person at some point during the season.
Looks like I was right! Just four episodes later he made his appearance! Well, sort of. According to Constantine, he yanked Crowley out of Hell for reasons, but instead of simply returning him back there, he trapped his soul inside a painting for reasons. Sure, why not.
• Also last week, I railed against the show's poor casting decisions, as the actors they chose to play John F. Kennedy & his brother Robert looked ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like the actual historical figures. Not even a little bit. The show fares much better this week though, as the magical Crowley portrait looks exactly like the real thing! In fact it looks like they based it on one of the few available photos of Crowley that are out there.
• Whenever Crowley's painting starts talking, it reminds me of that MyHeritage site— the one that lets you upload old family photos and animate them.
• The sneaky & manipulative Crowley begins teaching simple magic spells to Astra, in a scene that's VERY reminiscent of the Harry Potter movies (which I'm sure was the point). He even tells her she needs to flick her wrist in a certain way!
I'm honestly surprised he didn't tell her, "No, no, it's Wingardium LevioSAH!"
• In this episode we get our first look at Bishop's citadel, and what a place it is! In fact I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at here. I guess it's supposed to be a building on his planet's surface, but it looks for all the world like a giant bug.
• This week we also get our first good look at Bishop, and man, is he ever annoying! As I pointed out in the intro, he spends most of the episode singing his lines and dancing across the screen like an idiot.
According to the interwebs, actor Raffi Barsoumian (aka Bishop) is married to Tala Ashe (aka Zari 2.0) in real life! Wow! Let's hope for her sake he's nowhere near as aggravating at home!
• I've brought this up before over the years, but it's worth a repeat— what the hell happened to the art of TV wig making? In this episode Jes Macallen plays Nurse AVA (of course!), and she's saddled with the most ridiculously fake-looking wig possible. I've seen Muppets with more realistic hair.
I don't remember wigs looking so fake when I watched TV as a kid. Did they start making them out of a different material or something? Or have wigs always looked this bad, but we never noticed it till we all got hi-def TVs?
• Speaking of AVA clones: In this episode Bishop tells Canary:
"As a pioneer in bio-engineering, the founder of AVA Corp and the designer-creator of the AVA clone, I alone have the knowledge and means to restart humanity in the stars!"
Hmm. Is this a major retcon? I was always under the impression that Rip Hunter created the AVA clones to manage his Time Bureau. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong. Or could it be this is yet another Crisis change?
• Bishop shows Canary a PowerPoint presentation explaining his master plan. Basically he says humanity destroyed Earth's biosphere and inadvertently wiped itself out. So he's come back in time to create human/alien hybrids that can survive in any environment. A couple things here:
According to Bishop, the only way to save our race is to turn us all into hideous mutants. But then we'd no longer be human. That's not really preserving the species now, is it?
Secondly, he blames humanity's extinction on greed, violence & war. But then he tells Canary he abducted her so she could train his new hybrids to have a "fighter's spirit" and overcome any obstacle.
But... won't teaching them to fight just lead to greed, violence & war all over again?
• Speaking of Bishop and his ability to time travel... Not only did he come to the present AFTER humanity was destroyed, but he brought with him "all FIFTEEN seasons of Wynonna Earp"— a series that to date has only been on for four years.
• Crowley teaches Astra a simple transformation spell, which uses the word "permuto." He also tells her, "You know, 'permuto' has several meanings in Latin. One is to transform, but the other is to exchange."
Amazingly, that actually checks out!
Astra then uses the permuto spell to cause Crowley & Constantine's souls to switch places. Which leaves Constantine trapped in the painting and Crowley in possession of his body.
Not sure why the soul swap would cause the face in the painting to change, but eh, I'll allow it.
• According to IMDB, Matt Lucas, aka Nardole from Doctor Who (among many other roles) provides the voice of Crowley when he's in painting form. I honestly didn't recognize his voice here.
I mentioned this in the intro, but it's worth a repeat. Kudos to Matt Ryan as well, for his portrayal of Crowley inhabiting Constantine's body. He's clearly having a ball chewing the scenery as he plays Constantine possessed by Crowley. His mannerisms and body language are completely different, and he does a very good impression of Matt Lucas' voice.
• Once Crowley cons Astra into freeing him from the painting, he teaches her more advanced spells, such as how to turn trash into treasure... literally!
If you look closely at the pile of trash, you'll see an empty can of Spotted dick! I guess Constantine must be a fan of the stuff? By the way, despite its provocative name, it's just pudding.
• Thanks to Crowley's spell, Astra transmutes the garbage into treasure, conjures up a stylish new outfit for herself and even generates electricity for the manor.
She's disappointed though when she finds out that these transformations are only temporary. Oddly enough, although the money & jewels change back to trash after just a few minutes, her magic clothing and the electricity last for the remainder of the episode— even though she conjured up everything at the same time. Whoops!
• Disney Reference #2: At one point Astra's working on a spell when the Legends show up at the manor, fresh from their adventure in Bay Of Squids. They prove to be a huge distraction, so she transforms them all into suitable sentient household items— much like the various characters in Beauty And The Beast.

Sharpe becomes a three ring binder, presumably because she was created as an Administrative Clone and has an innate need for organization and order.
Zari 2.0 changes into a glittery cell phone. Oddly enough she doesn't seem to mind the fact that she's been transformed, but is livid that she's now a lowly flip phone.
Spooner becomes a walking, talking fork (Com-O-Dee!), while Behrad's turns into a candle. Because candles are lit, get it? Note that Behrad looks virtually identical to Lumiere from Beauty And The Beast, who was also a talking candle!

Lastly, Steel's transformed into a wheel of cheese. Because he has a cheesy personality, I guess? I dunno.
• Crowley shows Astra how to make a superpowerful magic amulet, but tells her it needs a human soul to charge it up. She looks through her purse and finds a few of the soul coins she brought with her from Hell last season. Among them she has a coin of Christopher Columbus and another of Ed Gein.
Sigh... We get it, The CW, you're woke! Christopher Columbus is no longer a hero worthy of his own holiday, as he wasn't the first to cross the Atlantic and became a brutal governor who indulged in slavery and genocide.
While I fully agree he was nothing like what we were all taught in school, I don't think he should be lumped in with a cannibalistic, negrophilic serial killer like Ed F*cking Gein either. Jesus Christ!

• Astra can't go through with stealing Truss' soul, so Crowley does it instead— and takes the now supercharged magic amulet for himself. He then transforms Astra in to an animated Disneyesque princess. He turns the manor and everything inside it into a cartoon as well.
It's a fun little scene, and one the entire episode's been building toward. There's just one MAJOR problem with it though— Crowley becomes an animated character as well!
But, but... WHY? I get why he transformed her (to render her ineffective and get her out of his hair), but why would he animate himself as well? Shouldn't he have remained a flesh & blood human?
I'm assuming they did it because it was easier to just animate Crowley/Constantine instead of filming Matt Ryan on a green screen reacting to nothing and dropping him into the cartoon scenes later.
• The Legends actually go through two transformations in this episode. First Astra changes them all into household items— then Crowley changes them into animated versions of those same objects!
Note that when the now animated Legends decide to help Astra fight Crowley, Steel actually uses his superpower and "steels" up! That's right, he turns into an animated, metallic wheel of cheese!
Granted, he's a cartoon here, but technically this makes the third episode in a row that he's actually used his powers! Amazing!

• During the animated segment, Constantine tells Astra how he was reckless and addicted to magic in his youth, which prompted her mother Natalie to create a cleansing spell so he wouldn't overdose.
When then see a montage of violent and realistic illustrations of Constantine's "reckless" days. I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I'm betting these images are from the Hellblazer comic book (which stars Constantine).
• Disney Reference #3: In the third act, Astra sings a good portion of her dialogue, just like a classic animated Disney Princess.
• Disney Reference #4: At one point the animated version of Crowley grows to Godzilla size and sprouts a pair of devil horns, looking very much like Chernabog, the massive demon in Fantasia.
• I don't know why, but I love this scene of everyone transforming from cartoon characters back into real people. In particular I like Crowley's animated soul getting sucked out of Constantine's body and into the painting!
• So Natalie's spell cleanses the House Of Mystery of ALL magic— including Constantine's! Once it's cast, he finds himself completely powerless.
But why? I never got the impression his magical abilities were inherent, like Superman's strength or the Flash's speed. He usually said a spell or drank a potion to make something magical happen. So why would Natalie's song affect that? It doesn't make any sense.
Did Natalie's song wipe out Constantine's memories of spells and such, so he can no longer perform magic? If that's what actually happened, even that shouldn't be much of a problem. Just crack open a magic book and start recitin' spells again!
• At the end of the episode, Constantine takes the Crowley painting back to the attic. He then tapes Crowley's mouth shut and stuffs the painting in a trunk so he can never manipulate anyone else.
I feel like everyone's overlooking the most obvious solution here. Why not just toss the goddamned painting in the fireplace and be done with it? Crowley's already dead, so it's not like it'd be murder. What more could happen to him?
I guess maybe it's possible that burning the painting would free his soul from it, leaving him free to find another suitable host?
• Right before he's silenced, Crowley mentions his Fountain Of Imperium again. Based on how often it's been mentioned, I'm betting it'll play a major role in an upcoming episode soon. Whatever the heck it is.
• For the first time in a lonnnnnng time, we actually got an honest to goodness Canary fight scene this week. And man, was it was awesome!
Another plus— in the final shot, Canary does what everyone in the audience has wanted to do throughout the entire episode and snaps Bishop's annoying-ass neck! Unfortunately he just instantly replaces himself with a clone. Darn.
• This Week's Best Lines:
Zari 2.0: (angry that she's been transformed) "Am I a flip phone?"
Spooner: (in animated fork form) "If y'all got a proud boy who needs talking to, let me at him. I'll fork his eyes out!"